BrickAndMortarMix – v3.0

Related Keywords & Tags

Recommended Prompts

beautiful,linework,thick outlines,strong shadows,solo,detailed background,detailed face

Recommended Negative Prompts

(worst quality,low quality,normal quality:1.4),lowres,low resolution,watermark,easynegative,(verybadimagenegative_v1.3:0.75),bad-hands-5

Recommended Parameters

samplers DPM++ 2M Karras, DPM++ 2M SDE Karras
steps 25
cfg 7 (without dynamic thresholding), 20 (with dynamic thresholding)
clip skip 1 or 2
vae vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned
resolution 512×768, 512×640

Recommended Hires (High-Resolution) Parameters

upscaler 4x-UltraSharp, R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B
upscale 2
steps 10
denoising strength 0.5


  • Download and use ADetailer and Dynamic Thresholding for enhanced details.
  • Use recommended LoRa for further image details.

Version Highlights

Further checkpoints & LoRas merged, check description for details. Pruned, f16 safetensors format.

v3.0 Recipe:

BMRA = brickMortar_v10 + restlessanimance_v10 (weighted block merge)

weights: 1,0.800968123070988,0.674238040123457,0.575358072916667,0.501543209876543,0.450008439429012,0.41796875,0.402639130015432,0.401234567901235,0.410970052083333,0.429060570987654,0.452721113040124,0.479166666666667,0.50561222029321,0.529272762345679,0.54736328125,0.557098765432099,0.555694203317901,0.540364583333333,0.508324893904322,0.456790123456789,0.382975260416667,0.284095293209876,0.157365210262345,0

brickMortar_v30 = BMRA + seizamix_v2.safetensors (weighted block merge)

weights: 1,0.800968123070988,0.674238040123457,0.575358072916667,0.501543209876543,0.450008439429012,0.41796875,0.402639130015432,0.401234567901235,0.410970052083333,0.429060570987654,0.452721113040124,0.479166666666667,0.50561222029321,0.529272762345679,0.54736328125,0.557098765432099,0.555694203317901,0.540364583333333,0.508324893904322,0.456790123456789,0.382975260416667,0.284095293209876,0.157365210262345,0

Additional modifications to the final merge via LoRa merging:

FZB_line_weights:0.35 ( )

outline:0.2 ( )

Creator Sponsors

All sponsors are not affiliates of Diffus. Diffus provides an alternative online Stable Diffusion WebUI experience.

Merge of the following models, credit goes to their authors (permissions & commercial use inherited from the strictest source model):

Model details

Merge of the following models, credit goes to their authors (permissions & commercial use inherited from the strictest source model):

For exact recipe of each version, check the version descriptions.


It is highly recommended to download and use the following extensions:

Recommended LoRa for further details in images:

Recommended settings

  • VAE: vae-ft-mse-840000-ema-pruned

  • Clip skip: 1 or 2

  • Steps: 25

  • CFG Scale: 7 (without dynamic thresholding), 20 (with dynamic thresholding)

  • Sampler: DPM++ 2M Karras or DPM++ 2M SDE Karras

  • Upscaler: 4x-UltraSharp or R-ESRGAN 4x+ Anime6B

  • ADetailer:

    • 1st ADetailer: face_yolov8n

    • 2nd ADetailer: hand_yolov8n

  • Dynamic Thresholding:

    • Mimic CFG Scale: 7

    • Top percentiles of latents to clamp: 100

    • Mimic Scale Scheduler: Half Cosine Up, min value 5.0

    • CFG Scale Scheduler: Half Cosine Up, min value 5.0

Hires. fix (upscaling) helps with enhancing the images, but results are fine even without upscale, using the above settings (so you only need to use Hires. fix, if you need the higher resolution). Example (made with v1.0):

77e32d9e 1704 498a b571 b6c9db32251e Stable Diffusion Image Generator for Professionals and Enthusiasts BrickAndMortarMix - v3.0

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Anime-style girl in a red jacket with fur collar, sitting on a bench under a rustic shelter with an urban landscape and beautiful sunset in the background, generated using Stable Diffusion.

BrickAndMortarMix - v3.0

Model details

Model TypeCheckpoint
Base ModelSD 1.5
Model Hash95467A1CC0
Model Versionv3.0
Trained Words
TxcTrtl's Avatar

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Picture of Kate Thompson

Kate Thompson

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