SDXLFaetastic_v20 - ai art image - In a dimly lit, musty undergro - AI Art - Image Generator - Stable Diffusion
In a dimly lit, musty underground cavern, adorned with ancient symbols and a heavy air of foreboding, a necromancer stood at the center of a circle etched onto the cold stone floor. Dressed in flowing dark robes that seemed to blend with the shadows, their pale, gaunt figure exuded an aura of power tinged with darkness.
The necromancers long, bony fingers traced intricate patterns in the air, their eyes burning an eerie green as they chanted incantations in a low, guttural voice. Wisps of ethereal smoke rose from the ground as the atmosphere around them grew increasingly suffocating.
Suddenly, as if beckoned by the necromancers words, the earth began to tremble beneath their feet. Soft whispers filled the air, barely audible yet filled with an otherworldly force. From the darkness, skeletal hands burst forth, clawing their way to the surface, grasping the decaying earth.
In a macabre dance, the necromancer summoned the dead to their bidding. Corpses rose, partially decomposed and shrouded in a sickly aura. Bones and rigor mortis gave them a twisted, jerky movement as they lined up in an eerie procession, their empty eye sockets glowing with an unnatural light.
With a gesture from the necromancer, the undead army surged forward, moving in eerie unison. Their purpose was clear as they advanced toward a group of armed warriors, who stood their ground, trembling with fear and awe.
Guttural screams of terror filled the cavern as the undead soldiers clashed with the living. The necromancer, seemingly untouched by the chaos, watched with a wicked smile, reveling in the power they wielded over life and death.
But as their malevolent army pressed forward, a glimmer of hope flickered in the eyes of the warriors. They fought with renewed determination, pushing back against the relentless horde of undead, driven by a desire to protect the innocent.
In the midst of the chaos, the necromancers voice rose above the din, their incantations growing louder and more urgent. Shadows swirled around them, thickening into a black fog that enveloped the battlefield.
As the fog lifted, the necromancer stood alone, their undead army dissipated, their advantage gone. The warriors, bloodied and bruised, now surrounded the necromancer, weapons poised to strike.
With an air of defiance, the necromancer raised a hand, channeling their remaining strength. A final burst of dark energy surged forth, throwing the warriors back, buying themselves a momentary escape.
In that fleeting moment, the necromancer disappeared into the depths of the cavern, leaving only echoes of their malevolence behind. The warriors, shaken but victorious, stood in awe and relief, forever changed by the encounter with the necromancer and the horrors they had unleashed.
Negative Prompt
child, nude, naked, breasts, penis, sex, murder, loli, logo, copyright, watermark
SamplerDPM++ 2M Karras
CFG scale7

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